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Structural Engineering, Design, Consulting & Education


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New Developments

Statiker personnel as veterans of Rosenwasser; LERA, Weidlinger and others; have extensive experience of designing and involvement of some of the most iconic buildings in New York City and globally. From The Bank of China Building to 300 Ashland to smaller scale projects in Flushing. Statiker personnel due to their diversity of experience understand the design is a careful balance of engineering, cost and aesthetics. 


Peer Review, Seismic Evaluations & Value Engineering. 

From seismic evaluations to mandated NYC DOB peer reviews to value engineering, we have experience in executing  and delivering clear results in a timely and confidential manner to all concerned parties. 

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Special Structures and Special Requirements

Statiker personnel are experienced and continually interested in projects and efforts that are not standard. From designing blast proof embassies, hangers to house three Airbus 380s; designing bmus to GSA standards; to writing specifications for helicopter lifts; Statiker personnel are intrigued and passionate about efforts that are hard; complex or unusual.



Statiker Works Inc. is a solution provider for structural engineering projects.  It is led by the founder J. J. Lou, Ph. D., P.E. 

 Professor JJ Lou is the rare polymath structural engineer who when not teaching Seismic & Wind Engineering, Concrete and Steel design to graduate students at NYU is actively engaged in structural design and seismic consultancy. 

 The firm’s principal Dr. Lou initially consulted on numerous high-rise buildings and special-structure projects in the US and around the world for some of the largest engineering firms in the world.

 After leaving the large firm engineering sector; JJ Lou started his own design-build firm doing the structural design while also handling all the other aspects of construction management for small scale developers. These projects ranged from apartment buildings to other small structures. Due to changing market dynamics; JJ Lou decided to return to full time structural design and consultancy.

 However; as a witness to the ABC of the larger and more established firms (arrogance, bureaucracy, and complacency) Prof Lou has decided to build a firm where he can spend 80% of his time in design and build a proper culture of responsiveness, creativity and excitement.

Engineers here are not hired but chosen for their creativity and ability to learn, openness and humility. Projects are pursued on the basis of complexity, uniqueness and openness of the team for collaboration. Most critically are the solutions which respond to the clients’ needs, budget and partnership.  


Year Established


Years of Experience






For any business inquiries or media request please call Sam Roth at 646 431-6599.

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Head Office

307 West 36th Street

9th Floor

New York, New York

Tel:  917-836-7128


To apply for a position with Statiker, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. or ; resume; project list and references to: We  are looking for engineers or draftsmen with either a unique talent, experience and/or following. We are also interested in writers, marketing and communication skills. 

To Contact: 917 836-7128

© 2021 by Statiker Works Inc.

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